What are the common injuries associated with office work?
Some workplaces in Pennsylvania are known to be risky for workers such as coal mines, construction sites, manufacturing plants, refineries and factories. Many workers in these industries suffer injuries from falls, falling objects, equipment failures, explosions and exposure to hazardous substances. When it comes to office work, however, many people think the greatest risk is aggravation from coworkers and superiors. But work related injuries also frequently occur in offices. That’s the bad news. The good news is that officer workers who are injured on the job may be eligible for workers compensation benefits.
One way that office workers are injured is by falls that occur as a result of tripping over file draws, ripped carpets or boxes, as well as from slipping on wet floors. These accidents can lead to serious injuries, particularly to the hands, wrists and arms. Office workers can also injure their backs, shoulders, and necks when they lift heavy objects such as boxes or office equipment. The most common injury risk for office workers, however, are repetitive stress injuries.
What are repetitive stress injuries?
While repetitive stress injuries may be difficult to diagnose, they are caused by repeated motions over the course of time. These actions are not necessarily strenuous, however, the long terms effects of repeated motions, particularly typing on a computer keyboard, can injure the hands and wrists. In fact, repetitive stress injuries often lead to carpal tunnel syndrome, a numbness or tingling in the hands and arms caused by a pinched nerve in the wrist.
In addition, long term use of a computer can also cause bursitis and tendonitis. Unlike slips and falls, repetitive stress injuries develop slowly, and they often go undetected until medical treatment is needed. If you work in an office and experience tingling in the fingers or arms, seek medical treatment as soon as possible. It is also crucial to notify your employer about your injury since workers compensation claims for repetitive stress injuries are often contested. For this reason, you are also well advised to consult with an experienced workers compensation attorney.