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Getting into a car accident can be a pretty scary event. Even if you are not injured, your vehicle could be severely damaged or you could be facing a lengthy process with police, car repair shops and insurance companies.

Data from the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation have pointed to an increase in the amount of injuries and deaths after car crashes. The Pennsylvania Department of Motor Vehicles has identified over 370 roads within the state that are regarded as especially dangerous.  With these statistics, it’s more likely than not that you or someone you love will end up in a car accident in Pennsylvania.

Seeking the advice of an automobile accident lawyer is a smart move if you have been involved in an automobile accident. They can expertly assist you in dealing with insurance companies, and can fight for your rights in court if need be.

If you are involved in an accident, there are a few things to keep in mind that can significantly help you in obtaining the compensation you deserve.

Top 5 Things To Do After An Accident

  1. Ensure Safety: After any accident, the safety of everyone involved should be the top priority. Make sure to dial 911 if you think anyone is injured and try to get everyone to a safe distance away from the roadway or damaged cars.
  2. Call the Police: Make sure to notify the proper authorities about the accident if someone else has not done so already. This is a good time for you to start taking photographs and writing notes about what happened, and to document any damage that may have occurred to you or your vehicle. Also note the weather and road conditions of the accident scene.  Insurance companies and lawyers often rely on this type of evidence as they make decisions.
  3. File an Accident Report: As soon as the police arrive, provide your information and fill out an accident report, and ask where you can get a copy of the report. You will want to get the contact information of any witnesses who may have seen the accident occur. Make sure to also get the contact information for the insurance company of the other driver, along with their contact information.
  4. Keep Good Records: Seeking appropriate medical attention early for your injuries can make the difference between a small settlement offer and a serious settlement offer. Keeping a journal of all medical visits, diagnoses and treatments is crucial to your case, as are records of lost income and expenditures due to the accident.
  5. Talk to A Lawyer: Even if you think the accident might have been your fault, you will want to speak with a lawyer and give them all the evidence to get their advice.

The Pennsylvania personal injury attorneys at Louis P. Lombardi II & Associates will best know how to handle your situation and will aggressively fight for your rights. Contact us today for a free consultation.